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common issues with tires

What are the most common issues with tires?

Having the right driving tires is essential to maintaining your safety. They are thought to be the only point of contact between the road and your car. However, tires have a finite lifespan much like other things. Safety dangers and travel disruptions can arise from problems with even the most resilient tires. Hence, it is imperative that we recognize the warning indications of tire issues that might interfere with our driving.

In addition, if you identify tire problems at the right time, you can replace or repair them fast to keep your automobile safe and legally drivable at all times. Let us thus understand those problems and provide suggestions for their efficient resolution.

Over inflation:

The state in which the tire’s internal air pressure is beyond the manufacturer’s suggested threshold is known as overinflation. The ride on overinflated tires is rougher because the outer tread pattern of the tire wears out more quickly in the center than the outer edges.

Overinflated tires also have a smaller contact area with the road, which could lead to breaking, uneven tread wear, compromised handling, and an uncomfortable ride because the tire cannot “soak up” bumps. In addition, excessive inflation may result in uneven tread wear and can impair handling and braking ability since the middle of the tire may wear out faster than the margins.

Furthermore, the more pressure you apply to the tires, the more strain you place on their structure, which will reduce the lifespan of the tires.

Under inflation:

When the tire pressure is lower than the advised pounds per square inch (PSI), the tires are said to be underinflated. Underinflated tires make an automobile less stable, which makes it difficult to handle, stop, and curve.

This makes driving on them risky. Low tire pressure can cause the tires to overheat, wear out on the outside edges of the tread, and finally cause a blowout or accident. The suggested PSI for most passenger automobiles is between 30 and 35. Let’s see some facts about it:

  • A National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) study states that tires with a 25% underinflated pressure are three times more likely to result in an automobile collision than tires with the proper inflation.
  • Statistics show that over 4 million requests for assistance with flat tires are made in the United States alone each year and that under-inflated tires account for 15% of all flat tires.
  • Tires that are overinflated may exhibit signs such as deformation, bending when rolling, loss of original shape, and less traction when the tires make contact with the pavement. 
  • There is Unusual Noise Made When Driving with underinflated tires.

Cracking and bulging

Your tires can develop bulges and cracks as a result of striking a pothole or curb, which may also cause the sidewall of the tires to crack. This issue is more likely to arise if your tires are either under or overinflated, and it can only be resolved by replacing the tires entirely.

Cracking and bulging tires are clear indicators of damage that reduces their performance and safety. Ignoring these problems can result in catastrophic tire failure, which can cause collisions, damage to the vehicle, and injury to the people.


You may have mismatched tires if there is camber wear, which is the wear on one side of the tire that is greater than the other. This has to be looked at whether your car struck a curb, you changed the height of your car, or you’re just going through normal wear and tear.

Uneven tire wear patterns from misalignment shorten tire life and require early tire replacement. In addition, misalignment raises rolling resistance, which lowers fuel economy and raises fuel consumption.

Particularly while performing emergency actions, misaligned tires can cause unexpected vehicle behavior and raise the danger of accidents.

Emergency brake damage

Particularly at the location where the tire makes first contact with the road during braking, emergency braking can cause quick and uneven tire wear. If left untreated, this localized wear pattern can result in early tread loss and shortened tire life.

Unpredictable handling qualities result from the uneven wear of the tire tread, which modifies the tire’s contact patch with the road. The tire’s worn-out section is more vulnerable to damage and punctures, which raises the possibility of air leaks and deflation.

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